Saturday, August 17, 2013

What is Task Analysis?

Task analysis, a systematic analysis of content, leads to a set of instructions that tell the teacher how to assist the student to move from point A to point B. The instructor has the flexibility to teach each student, be they adult or a kindergartner, in an age appropriate manner that maximizes instructional time.

In the classroom- Task Analysis is an essential tool for designing 1) Cooperative Learning Lessons, and 2) Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) for Response to Intervention (a) (RTI1), Response to Intervention, (b) (RTI2), and (c) Multi-tiered system of support (MTSS).

In the home- Task Analysis can be used to explain to children the basics of living. For example, telling a child to clean his or her room does not always achieve the desired results. Task analyzing the job with the child will not only build thinking skills but help
define a new definition of clean.

Not all students require a detailed sequence; however if needed, the details are available and at the ready if needed. The application of Task Analysis can be understood by stepping outside traditional academics to consider ways to teach a student to tie his or her shoes.

Examples of shoe tying directions developed by students in one of my college classes are listed below. We all agreed there is not one perfect way to conduct a task analysis and the task analysis varies with each student and group of students.

Student 1- Low Level of Complexity: The first student may simply observe others tie shoes, practice independently, and successfully tie his or her shoes.

Student 2- Medium Level of Complexity: The instructor may need to demonstrate and teach the skill as follows:
1. grab one lace in the left hand and the second in the right hand pull the laces straight up cross the shoelaces
2. pull the front lace around the back of the other pull that lace through the hole

3. tighten the lace with a pull make a bow
4. tighten the bow

Student 3- High Level of Complexity: This student may need a longer version such as the one that follows:
1. grab one lace in the left hand and the second in the right hand pull
2. pinch the end of one lace with the left hand and the other with the right hand

3. pull the laces up in the air
4. put one lace on the right side of the shoe, the second on the left side
5. pick up the lace on the left side with the left hand, pick up the lace on the right side with the right hand
6. pull the laces above the shoe 7. cross the laces to form a tepee
8. the student brings the left lace toward him/her
9. pull the left lace through the tepee pull the laces away from each other and so on….

Following are several links to expand shoe tying experience:
The Shoe Tying box (advertisements on this site)
Backward Chaining for Shoe Tying
Weekend Diversion, I Finally Learned to Tie My Shoes

Wishing you a fun shoe tying experience and successful task analysis.


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Friday, August 16, 2013

Riddle Resources

This site is filled with resources and excellent activities for our kids.
Thank you S.D. Brown

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