Free Rubric Checklists

Rubric Checklist

The purpose of a Rubric Checklist is to provide students an opportunity to practice and to enhance accountability in the application of rubric items. One of the tools used to assist students in the Peer Check process is the Rubric Checklist. The Writer benefits from the check when she closely examines her written work item by item. The Peer Checker benefits by taking a fresh look at the rubric through the eyes of another writer.

When the Rubric Checklist is used routinely, rubric items are quickly memorized. Rubric Checklists should be used frequently after a rubric is first introduced. After students have mastered the skills, the Rubric Checklist may be used on an intermittent basis.

Depending on the complexity of the writing assignment and the skill level of the students, writing assignments may be checked by one, two or three peers.

Teacher Judgment: Guidelines for the use of the Rubric Checklist are included in each lesson. The decision to include the Rubric Checklist in additional lessons is left to the discretion of the teacher.

Learning Challenge Highlight: It is recommended that the Rubric Checklist be used in all writing lessons until each and every item listed has been demonstrated at Mastery Level by all members of the class. Use of the Rubric Checklist should be reviewed and practiced on an intermittent basis.


Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________

Checker: _________________________________________

Instructions for Writers: Review your sentences using the items listed in the Rubric Checklist. If you find you need to make corrections, please do so before passing your work on to the Checker.

Instructions for the Checker: Read each sentence to make sure all items on the Checklist are included and written correctly.

If an item is included and written correctly on all sentences, place a check in the plus (+) column on the Checklist.

If an item is missing or requires correction, use a pencil to circle the item on the Writer's paper. Place a check in the minus (-) column on the Checklist, and make comments in the Checker's Notes column as necessary.



All sentences are written in cursive handwriting.



All sentences start with a capital.



All sentences begin with a who, what, when or where.



All sentences end with a who, what, when or where.

All sentences contain an action word.


All sentences end with correct punctuation.


All sentences are written neatly and clearly.



Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________ 

Checker: _________________________________________

Instructions for Writers: Review your paragraph using the items listed in the Rubric Checklist. If you find you need to make corrections, please do so before passing your work on to the Checker.

Instructions for the Checker: Read each paragraph to make sure all items on the Checklist are included and written correctly.

If an item is included and written correctly in all paragraphs, place a check in the plus (+) column on the Checklist.

If an item is missing or requires correction, use a pencil to circle the item on the Writer's paper. Place a check in the minus (-) column on the Checklist, and make comments in the Checker's Notes column as necessary.



Each sentence in my paragraph follows the Sentence Writing Rubric.



I have an introductory sentence at the beginning of my paragraph.



I have a closing sentence at the end of my paragraph.



All sentences in my paragraph relate to the same topic.



If a part of a story or letter, each paragraph is an important part of the idea I am telling.



Each paragraph begins on a new line and is indented.




Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________ 

Checker: _________________________________________

Instructions for Writers: Review your story using the items listed in the Rubric Checklist. If you find you need to make corrections, please do so before passing your work on to the Checker.

Instructions for the Checker: Read the story to make sure all items on the Checklist are included and written correctly.

If an item is included and written correctly in the story, place a check in the plus (+) column on the Checklist.

If an item is missing or requires correction, use a pencil to circle the item on the Writer's paper. Place a check in the minus (-) column on the Checklist, and make comments in the Checker's Notes column as necessary.





I wrote my story using the Sentence Writing Rubric.



I wrote my story using the Paragraph Writing Rubric.



My story has at least three paragraphs.



My first paragraph introduces my story.


My middle paragraph(s) expands on my introductory paragraph, telling the reader what I want to say.



My ending paragraph completes my thoughts, ties up all loose ends and summarizes my thoughts, if appropriate.




Unknown said...

Rhoades to Reading Revisited will be published in 2016.

Unknown said...
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