Process, Content and Feelings are in each lesson: Plan for Success
Every lesson contains three components, each of which has influence on success: process, content, and feeling.
• Process Defines the Method of Teaching.
Group instruction, often a favorite, is most often successful when students are learning the same standard. To require a student to sit through instruction of material he or she has mastered OR material that is far too difficult, not only defeats the purpose of instruction but causes students to lose interest. The opportunity to learn may be unintentionally eliminated with the selection of ta particular lesson process.Precision teaching, multi-sensory learning, scaffolding, and cooperative learning are examples of additional structures available. Each strategy can work with any curriculum. A list of process options to consider can be found at the end of this post. Other resources can be found listed on this blog.
• Content Defines What is Taught.
It is important to sequence each lesson in such a way that students are exposed to both previously learned material and the new content simultaneously. Each student should have his or her own entry point into the curriculum and move at his or her own pace in order to offer a frustration free experience.
• Feeling is Perhaps the Most Important Component of each Lesson.
While the reactions to the learning environment may vary among students, it is important for the instructor to be aware of the feeling tone of the class. Adjusting the content, presentation, adding humor, or additional positive reinforcement goes a long way toward maintaining a warm, inviting environment.• Feelings are attached to every learning event and have a direct impact on the assimilation and retention of information. For example, if a teacher yells or belittles students when teaching the digraph th, chances are the student will not remember the digraph th, but will remember the teacher. The student may be less receptive to further teaching of the digraph th and, depending on the degree of the negative impact, reading in general.
Excerpts from Rhoades to Reading and Simple Cooperation in the Classroom
Thank you Cindy Kreeger for editing this article.